Sunday, August 22, 2010

Rock Climbing #2

So rock climbing again! Here are the happy climbers...
Jacinta, Anthony, Esther, Minol, Nathan, Sam & Jake

Jacinta conquered her fear of heights and made it to the TOP!!

I found some challenging climbs to try out!

Sam flew up the wall with ease.

Rock climbing again next week. Then back to normal training!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Saturday 14th of August

Back: Sam, Nicolle, Jacinta and Rachel
Front: Rachel, Kirrilee, Esther and Zoe

This photo was taken after today's class. AWESOME! It's so great to see how many girls are training now! Since our first class back in March, we now have Sam, Zoe, Nicolle, Yvette and Bianca (not with us today) who have joined the team and Rachel came for the first time today to give it a go- quick learner so we hope you come back. It's great to see your dedication and progress girls!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

The THROW tradition!

In 2007 I spent 6 months in Japan where I was able to train with the Rocha (a student of Master Wilson) Jiu-Jitsu Academy, the Academy where Minol trained in Japan. While I was there I received my purple belt. It's a tradition that when you receive a new belt (or a stripe) that you get thrown by everyone who is of higher rank! I guess it's a better tradition than the birthday tradition...but we'll save that one for another time!

I'm glad I received my brown belt on the podium after winning at the Rio State Championship (Thanks Mestre Wilson). Saved me from lots of take downs!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Saturday's Training


Cinna climbing in style! (See, your undies weren't showing!)

Unfortunately we didn't have a class on Saturday so Minol organised rock climbing for the club! Nicolle and Esther represented the girls (shame more couldn't come) and Jacinta came after her skirt...and STILL had a go- YEAH! PCYC isn't available again on the 21st and 28th of this month so more climbing to come!